Trend-tech is professional supplier of networking devices and cabling products in mainland China with strong and fast growing sales performance. Thanks to our concentration in high level product design and effective quality manufacturing, Trend-tech is the fastest growing company in China, and we will continue to supply our customers with high quality good products including WIFI, 3G/3.75G, Ethernet Switch, Powerline, xDSL CPE, IP Camera, Print Server, NAS, KVM, HDMI Devices, Optical Media converter, Structuring Cabling, Computer and Multi-Media cables.
75% of Trend-tech turnover in 2010 are contributed from mainland China market and 25% from our overseas market. Supported by the confidence of our overseas customers on Trend-tech, we will put more and enough concentration on overseas market to support our most valued customers with high quality networking devices and cabling products for own brand and OEM business.
From the year of 2015, Trend-tech began to introduce its second brand called BrosTrend focusing on high quality while affordable Wi-Fi devices in North America and Europe from year 2015. BrosTrend Wi-Fi products sales increases in an incredible speed during this two year. The trust of our BrosTrend users are encouraging us to offer more high quality WiFi products to them.
Business Area of Trend-tech
Sales Chart of Trend-tech in 2010